Monday, November 3, 2008


After watching CNN for hours I found myself sitting here in tears because this is so close to being a reality. I know so many people are like "whoopedy-doo, a black president, his race shouldn't matter," but dammit, it means something to me. First off, he is a great example of a man in general and him being black is just the icing on the cake. He's a man who is taking care of his family, believes in God, and is trying to make a positive change in his country. Those are honorable characteristics for a man of any race. I feel so much pride every time I hear him speak or see him on TV, and it honestly makes me feel like I can do more than I ever believed I could. It's crazy but only today did the magnitude of tomorrow even sink in for me. I had never even believed there could be a black president in my lifetime, it was unfathomable to me at 19 years old. The limitations I'd subconsciously put on myself due to my race are very much shaken. No matter what happens tomorrow (though I will be beyond upset if he loses) Barack Obama has done something tremendous for me. He's made me believe I am just as capable as anyone of any race to accomplish anything I put my mind to, and that if I want something bad enough I can make it happen. As many times as I have heard that before in my life there have always been invisible barriers in my mind as to what it really means. But not anymore.


Marquece said...

look at butta gettin inspired n shit. if obama dont win today i'm moving to brazil. shit, even if he does win today i might still move to brazil. brazilian chicks be bad. dont trip tho, u still wifey #1. lmao

Lee said...


The movement has just begun.