Friday, October 24, 2008

Just What I Needed.

Lately I've been keeping some pretty late nights, to the point where I stay up all night, go to class, then go to bed. I guess this insomnia thing is back in full effect. Oh well, what's new?

I saw my best friend in the whole entire world yesterday and we shared the best hug EVER in the history of hugging. We have both had some pretty rough days recently, and finally getting to see eachother was just a relief in itself. There is just something about having the person who understands you the most right by your side. There is no fear of them misinterpreting your words or actions. They know you inside out and they know that all you do comes from a good place, however misdirected it may sometimes be. That's what she offers, and if she were a guy I'd be in love, lol.

Anyway, we shopped til we dropped and we tried to solve eachothers problems along the way. Words can't express how much comfort I found in hearing her say what I already knew was. Just having her confirm that I'm not losing my mind was worth more than I think she even knows. Oh how I love that skeezer, let me count the ways.

In other news, mama's got a date lined up [HEYYYY! -does the running man-] and for once it's not with some homeboy of mine who has secretly had a crush on me for years. I am now convinced every male friend I have is on some alterior shit. Well every one of them except you. ;] But anyway, we're going to the movies and dinner. Maybe he'll be worth getting to know, but even if he's not a free meal & free entertainment are always a win-win situation for me.

I'm in a good place right now. The broken heart has subsided and I can finally see that person for what he is. A great friend. Allowing myself to see more possibilities or other potential within him was my downfall. If there is one thing I'm good at though it is making lemons into lemonade, and before all else he was always the homie. Love changes people: namely, me. I kinda lost sight of the friendship in this whole "love me, please love me, give me attention and love me" daze. It's something I now recognize and can work on. I'm only 19, I'll learn and grow with time.

Well I guess thats enough rambling, I'm going to try to get a few moments of rest, though I'll probably just end up watching a movie or something.

G'nite lovemuffins,

1 comment:

Monique said...

You need to AIM me your number so I can shop til I drop with you heffas!
You & Kiesha been joined at the damn hip since forever. I remember first meeting you 2 at Foxhills Mall when you guys were with Carlos, and everytime I've seen you since then I see her. Lol

AIM - freshalinajolie